Ep 002 - Orbis Bo

Cultural Complexities and Commercial Challenges: A Deep Dive - Exploring the Intricacies of the Asian Music Industry and Its Future Prospects with Orbis Bo

Ep 002 - Orbis Bo

In this engaging episode, I interview Orbis, a prominent figure in the Taiwan music industry. The discussion explores various facets of the Asian music scene, including cultural intricacies, industry challenges, and future opportunities. Orbis highlights the complex interplay between Asian cultures and the commercial music business, noting the influence of Western music trends and the dominance of K-pop in the mainstream market. Despite these influences, he observes a growing interest in local indie music scenes, particularly in Japan and Taiwan, which are fostering cultural and musical exchanges.

The conversation also dive deep into the challenges faced by the music industry in Asia, such as the market dominance of big capital and large companies, which can negatively impact music culture. Orbis stresses the need for cultural development and nurturing artists beyond profit-driven motives. He shares insights from his venue management experience, discussing how they balance local music trends with genre experimentation. The interview touches on Orbis’s upcoming projects, the evolving TV and entertainment industry in Asia, and the importance of cultural exchange.